The Ibizan Hound: The Spanish Standard

Approved 1994


Origin: Balearic Islands.

Use: Mainly for hunting rabbit without a gun, both day and night.

FCI Qualification: Fifth group, Section 7, Primitive Hunting type.

General Appearance: A primitive sort of dog, rough and elegant.

Behavior: It is apparently shy and indifferent and yet when hunting it becomes sharply alert, agile and artful.

Head: Long, narrow, rather small compared to the body, with a narrow and plain front and a not very defined stop. The nose is prominent and shows over the underjaw.

Eyes: Oblique, small, light in amber, with a very intelligent, shy and diffident look.

Ears: Always rigid, looking forward, sidewards of backwards, depending on the mood and very movable. The base is situated at the level of the eyes and their size is medium, not exaggeratedly large.

Mouth: With fine flesh colour flews, the teeth are perfect opposition, well placed and with a scissor bite.

Neck: Its length is a quarter of the total length of body; slightly arched and muscled; skin is smooth, taut without dewlap. The coat slightly longer in the lower part of this area than in the rest of the body.

Body: Symmetric, with no specific measure of proportion, it has strong but plain muscled with detached withers and a deep, narrow and long brisket that does not touch the elbows, with a strong breastbone. The hips very much show the bones and have well developed muscles. The loins are arched, medium sized and very powerful.

Forequarters: The arms seen from the front go very close. On the whole the animal will look thin and agile but at the same time strong. The elbows are straight and noticeable and the forearm is wide in its interior part. The pasterns are strong, powerful and very straight. The shoulders oblique, strong and free of movement.

Hindquarters: With long muscles, strong and plain. With close ground hocks, well carried and wide.

Feet: Harefeet, with tough pads and very strong white toenails.

Tail: Of low insertion, it should reach the spine and be carried between the legs. Slightly stronger at the root, it becomes narrower to the end. It will naturally fall during rest and will be carried in a hook during action, although it should never touch the back.

Coat: It can be either short, hard or long, never silky. The beard will be very much appreciated in hard coated specimens. The long coat should be of approximately 5 centimeters with plenty of hair on the head.

Colour: Either perfectly white, red or and white. A sandy colour will be accepted only if the animal is extraordinarily good but never on a short coated.

Weight and Size: Males 66 to 72 cms., bitches 60 to 67 cms., although any other approximate measures will be accepted whenever the animal is well proportioned.

Faults: Falling ears; lack of premolars; obvious stop; rounded brisket; cross of forefeet and hocks when marching. Also to be considered serious faults are unlevel bite, indefined breastbone, darkk eyes, wide hips, rounded muscles, brown pigmentation, black spots at the truffle or browny red coat.

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